September 18, 2008

Teddy's Dolphin Essay 2005

This was written by Teddy when he was in 1st grade at Westgate Elementary, our local public school. Even at that very young age, they were learning a lot about the environment and endangered animals. I found this and I thought I would post it. It was so cute...but I'm glad he's not in public school anymore. Some of you who read this (the homeschool minded) will understand why this cute little essay was a warning for what was to come if Teddy stayed in the same school (teaching about global warming, overpopulation etc.)

This is what it says, if you can't read it:

"Dear people who kill dolphins, please do not kill dolphins it makes me mad and sad. Did you want to kill all the dolphins in the world and no people will be rescued and you might fall off your boat and drown without dolphins in the world and now STOP IT and QUIT IT. Now dolphins are in big danger because of you guys and other people who kill dolphins. 2005 Teddy"

In the sentence about falling off the boat and drowning he was referring to a story he heared or read about some dolphin who rescued people.

And here is Teddy at 6 (around the time he wrote this) scandalized by the murdered lobster on the table.


Michelle McIntyre said...

He certainly has come a long way since then! I congratulate you on your decision, Irina. Nevertheless, it is a cute story. I hope that he is at peace now these matters.

Anonymous said...

Povestea asta foarte simpatica mi-a amintit de compunerea ta despre viata porcilor mistreti. Daca vrei o caut si ti-o trimit ca sa vada lumea ce filon suprarealist exista in familie.